Are you ready to create your first ebook to create passive income, or a workbook to support your online course? Ebook templates will help you save time and create a professional ebook in a matter of minutes! If you are looking for to create a guidebook or informational ebook for businesses and entrepreneurs, here is […]
How to create the bokeh effect
How to create that perfect Bokeh effect? Every year I participate in Ali Edwards December Daily project. December Daily is a perfect way for me to remember all the fun December activities, including Sinterklaas, Christmas and my daughters birthday. I take at least one picture a day and quickly jot down the things I want to remember. […]
Where to find Halloween themed stock photos and templates?
Where to find Halloween themed stock photos and templates? As a blogger, you want to keep up with the holidays and seasons. Pretty soon Halloween is coming and this is definitely one holiday where you can get crazy creative! But, even if you’re not that creative, you’re in luck. There are several design companies that […]