Ik spendeer nogal veel tijd online. Dit met het volgen van nieuws, het lezen van blogs en natuurlijk breng ik uren door op Pinterest en Instagram. Daar kom ik vaak dingen tegen die ik met jullie wil delen. Vandaar deze… Fun Friday Links 1. Harry Potter kalender Op Pinterest kwam ik deze geweldige Harry Potter kalender tegen […]
What is a Blogger Media kit? And why do you need one?
A lot of bloggers are looking to work with sponsors and to collaborate with different brands. But how do you stand out among other bloggers in your niche? By being prepared with a perfect blogger media kit! Having a media kit will show that you know what you are doing, that you are […]
WordPress.com vs WordPress.org: What are the differences?
If you want to start a website, you are likely to look into WordPress. It doesn’t look like it, but WordPress.com and WordPress.org are very different. Before starting a blog or website, you need to know what the differences are, in order for you to choose the correct platform. How are they different, and what […]
7 awesome ebook templates – Create an online course in minutes!
A lot of bloggers and crafters are using workbooks and e-books as part of their marketing strategy. They are amazing if you want to develop a marketing optin (freebie or extra content) or if you want to build an e-book or online course. Creating an e-book has never been easier! I was always wondering how much […]